For Libraries
This is a page for libraries participating in the pilot. Here you can find resources for implementing your telehealth initaitive, health resources available to your patrons, tools for raising awareness of the telehealth initiative, training opportunities, and more.
Just because you build it, doesn’t mean they’ll come! Click the button below to access a comprehensive media toolkit to raise awareness of your new telehealth service.
Want to know who else is participating in this pilot? Click the button below to see a map of all participating libraries.
There are a variety of resources patrons may be interested in, such as free virtual behavioral health services. Click below to access a continuously updated list of free or low-cost resources available in Colorado.
Evaluation is a key component of this project’s growth. Click below to find a copy of the patron survey, and the type of information that will be collected from participating libraries. Please note that the library data requests will come directly from CSL.
Cataloging help!
Need to add your telehealth kit to your ILS? We can help! Download a text file or email us for a .MRC file format.
More tools and resources to implement the tele-hubs coming soon!